Vaaman Board VNC issue

I enabled VNC server from vicharak-config-> Advanced Options → VNC server

Rebooted after the VNC enabled.
I’m trying access VNC session from Another PC but it is coming as Blank.

Also, Facing issues while running below command
$vncserver -list

Please help here to resolve the issue.


VNC Setup on vaaman

Please note that the method using the vicharak-config utility is currently under maintenance. We will update you once it is available again. In the meantime, you can use x11vnc to set up VNC.

Steps to Set Up VNC

1.Install x11vnc:

 sudo apt update
 sudo apt install x11vnc

2.Set the VNC password:

 sudo x11vnc -storepasswd [YOUR VNC PASSWORD] /etc/x11vnc.passwd

Replace [YOUR VNC PASSWORD] with your desired VNC password.

3.Start the VNC server:

 x11vnc &

4.Connect VNC Server to VNC Client :
Now you can connect to Vaaman’s VNC server from any VNC client (e.g. VNC viewer by Real VNC) using the following address:


Replace <IP> with the IP address of the vaaman server.

e.g. vaaman’s IP is